How to Manage Stress and Anxiety as an Entrepreneur life May 19, 2023

How often do you find yourself feeling stressed and anxious in your business?

If your answer is "often!" you're not alone, even though it may feel like it.

Entrepreneurship and mental health is not a popular topic. Most entrepreneurs are too...

The Psychology Secret That Makes Your Brand Stand Out branding May 13, 2023

If we haven’t met yet, I think a quick introduction is in order. So, Hi! I’m Jessie May. I empower coaches and healers to look, sound, and be the part so they can attract clients who see their value and are eager to pay them for...

Expand Your Mission with Books daring member of the month May 04, 2023

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our Daring Member of the Month. Jendayi, or "J", is an amazing therapist, coach, author and speaker (among other titles), who has been a role model in our community for many years now.


Should I Rebrand? branding Apr 27, 2023

It’s part of the human experience that we grow and evolve… but what happens when we outgrow our brands? Not everything that changes signifies the need for a rebrand. But, it’s good to look at your brand in detail every few years...

The 5 Best Ways to Build Trust leadership Apr 21, 2023

What’s the number one most important factor in attracting new clients? Can you guess?

Okay, I’ll tell you…

It’s TRUST! 

You’ve probably heard of the “know, like, and trust” factor in the marketing...

When is the Best Time to Invest in Your Brand? branding Apr 13, 2023

If you would have asked me when I was first getting started when the best time to invest in your brand was… I would give you a different answer than the one I’m sharing today. I used to believe that branding was only for big names and...

The 5-Step Formula for Creating the Exact Life You Want to Live daring member of the month Apr 06, 2023

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month.” And this month, I'm excited to introduce you to Life and Health Coach for Dental Professionals, Beth Heilman!

Beth brings so much spunky...

What a Personal Brand is NOT: Busting 7 Common Branding Myths branding Mar 31, 2023

Before you get started building your brand, it's important to understand what branding is (and what it's not!) and how it fits into the context of your business. 

A brand is the promise of an experience that's consistently delivered...