Conducting a Year-End Brand Review: A Step-By-Step Approach Nov 17, 2023

As the end of the year quickly approaches, now is the perfect time for some intentional reflection on the past year and your growth over that time. This is especially true as an entrepreneur who is the face of your brand because your brand is an...

Rethink the Rush: Embrace Your Brandā€™s Integrity During Black Friday marketing Nov 09, 2023

Every year, the Black Friday sales season tends to start earlier and earlier – this year, I even came across an offer on HALLOWEEN, earlier than I’ve ever seen it before. With all the buzz, it can easily feel like we have to jump on...

How to Use AI to Write Soul-Aligned Website Copy kajabi websites Nov 03, 2023

Ah, the lure of artificial intelligence making everything “easier.” Recently, AI has taken the online world by storm, especially when it comes to tasks that are often thought of as difficult, daunting, or time consuming. BUT –...

Is Perfection Paralyzing Your Brand Growth? leadership Oct 19, 2023

I’ve always had an eye for making things “perfect.” 

As a Virgo and One Enneagram, my attention naturally gravitates towards even the tiniest imperfections, brewing within me a deep need to fix things so they’re just...

Your Brand as a Spiritual Practice branding personal growth Oct 13, 2023

When you start building a brand, you begin a journey of deeper, transformative self discovery. As an entrepreneur, our businesses are one of our greatest spiritual teachers, showing us patterns that no longer serve us and uncovering opportunities...

Financial Fitness First: Unlocking Homeownership Benefits Through Smart Money Habits daring member of the month Oct 06, 2023

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month,” and today I'm excited to introduce you to Mortgage Specialist, Nicole Goyette. Nicole is such a joy to have in our regular meetings, and...

Is Brand Inconsistency Costing You Business Success? branding business marketing Sep 21, 2023

Is Brand Inconsistency Costing You Business Success?

We're living in an era where speed is celebrated. Businesses launch overnight, viral content can explode in a matter of hours, and trends change at the drop of a hat. 

Amid this fast-paced...

5 Tactical Tips to Start Building Your Brand Voice Today branding Sep 15, 2023

You've meticulously crafted your brand’s visual elements. You have a website built, have a logo designed, and even have some social media graphics created that you can start to pull from when you post.

But amidst all of that, have you...