Style Your Way to Super Success: Speak powerfully, own the room, and be a magnet for opportunities daring member of the month Dec 02, 2022

Please join us in celebrating December's Daring Member of the Month, Image Consultant, Dana Lynch! 

Ever since Dana joined the Impact Tribe last spring we’ve grown to love her enthusiasm, colorful spirit and commitment to doing what it...

The 3 Most Important Pages on Your Coaching Business Website kajabi websites Nov 25, 2022

Are you trying to get your coaching website launched or revamped by the New Year, but feeling overwhelmed by such a big project?

I want to let you in on a little secret: you don't have to do it all at once!

In fact, there are only 3 pages you'll...

My Favorite Tool for Building a Purposeful Life and Business life Nov 18, 2022

This year, I've made a commitment to myself to be better TO myself. I've been prioritizing the things that are most important to me, like my health, relationships and happiness and I've stopped trying to squeeze in just one more thing before I...

Tagline vs. Title: Do You Need Both for Your Business? branding Nov 11, 2022

Taglines and Titles might be two buzzwords you hear in the business world, but what’s the true purpose and impact behind them both?

Let’s back up a step… Brand messaging plays a huge role in how you’re remembered, if...

Mic Drop Stories: How to Tell Stories That Move Audiences to Action daring member of the month Nov 04, 2022

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month.” This month, I’m highlighting someone who has been a core member of our community for many years, and who has continued to show up with...

Monumental Mindset Shifts to Take Your Service-Based Business to the Next Level business Oct 28, 2022

Are you stuck spinning your wheels, feeling like you stagnated in your business, and unsure how to get to the next level? If so, I have a very important question for you. 

When was the last time you took an honest look at your mindset towards...

10 Things Your About Page Needs to Include kajabi websites Oct 21, 2022

Your about page isn’t just your bio slapped onto your website to tell potential clients about how great you are… and it’s also not your life story, recounting the journey you took to get where you are today … 


6 Questions to Help You Decide if Now is the Right Time to Invest in Your Brand branding Oct 14, 2022

Building your brand is not an easy feat – it’s going to take time and likely some money to do well. While there’s never a completely perfect time to invest in building your brand, there are some things you need to consider before...