How to Leverage Brand Archetypes to Design a More Impactful Website kajabi websites Jan 11, 2024

Building a brand is not just about logos, color schemes, or taglines. It's about telling a story, creating an identity, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. Your brand is much more than just a portrayal of your business; it's the...

Being vs. Doing: Redefining How to Build a Successful Brand in 2024 leadership Jan 05, 2024

Earlier this week, on January 2nd, after a relaxing and cozy few days celebrating the holidays with my family, I opened my computer to get back to work. Immediately, I noticed a mental flood of all the things I needed to do and all the places I...

Embracing Your Truest Self in the New Year: An Archetypal Guide Dec 29, 2023

Embracing Your Truest Self in the New Year: An Archetypal Guide

As the final page of the calendar turns and we stand at the cusp of a new year, it's not unusual to feel more introspective amidst all the excitement. This transitional time often...

How to Set New Year's Resolutions Based on Your Archetype leadership Dec 22, 2023

The new year is almost here, making this the perfect time for some reflection on the past year, and goal setting for the next. 

While there are endless different goals you could set, and countless ways to approach the goal setting...

The Complete Holiday Gift Guide for Each of the 12 Personality Archetypes life Dec 15, 2023

I know the holidays can be stressful when you’re trying to decide the perfect gift to give your friends, family, or team… or even when you want to treat yourself and just aren’t sure what to get!

If you’re stuck on how to...

2023 Recap: How Personal Challenges Have Shaped My Professional Vision leadership life Dec 08, 2023

As we stand on the brink of another year, it feels like the perfect moment to pause and reflect. 

The past year has been a transformative journey, not just for me personally, but for The Daring Fempreneur too. 2023 has been a year marked by...

6 Places to Simplify Your Business business Dec 01, 2023

The online business world is always busy. It’s no secret that every single day there is a “new best thing” bursting onto the scene that could potentially change the way we run our businesses. And while sometimes they can be...

Leveraging Brand Archetypes to Build a More Recognizable Brand branding Nov 27, 2023

Have you ever wondered why some brands feel like they're speaking directly to you, while others feel like they’re shouting into the void? That's the magic of brand archetypes at work. 

Brand archetypes, rooted in Carl Jung's theory of...