3 Things That Donā€™t Make Your Brand Stand Out branding marketing Oct 29, 2021

It gets harder and harder every day to make your brand stand out in today’s crowded digital landscape. Most coaches, healers, and online experts know that in order to truly stand out, you have to give your audience some reasons why...

How to Write a Brand Promise that Attracts More Clients branding Oct 22, 2021

Your brand promise is the thread that ties together everything you say and do in your business. 

Similar to how your Brand is the promise of an experience that shows up wherever you show up, your Brand Promise is the promise of an outcome...

42 FREE STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITES (with actually good photos) branding marketing Oct 15, 2021

The images you use for your brand, whether they’re on social media, blog posts, your website, your lead magnets, marketing materials, or anything else, speak volumes as to who you are and how your clients feel when interacting with you and...

4 Signs Your Brand is Blending into the Background branding Oct 08, 2021

 Brands and business owners today have to do more than ever before to stand out from the crowd. More than 4.5 million new businesses are started every year (according to the Census Bureau), and that number is constantly growing. While...

Meet October's Daring Member of the Month: Terra Ramachandran daring member of the month Oct 01, 2021

Once each month, I have the honor of interviewing one of our Impact Tribe members as our featured Daring Member of the Month – someone who has gone out of their way to help others, accomplished something huge in their business, been a good...

Your Brand's Communication System: 8 Messaging Must-Haves for Service-Based Entrepreneurs branding Sep 24, 2021

When you hear the word “branding”, what comes to mind? Let me guess … you probably think of logos, color palettes, images and fonts. Am I right?

If so, you’re not alone and you’re right! Brand visuals are an...

What is a Brand Strategist? branding Sep 17, 2021

A common misconception I hear is that a Brand Strategist is the same as a Graphic Designer. As a Brand Strategist, I’m here to tell you that’s completely untrue! 

I'm going to help clarify and differentiate between what a Brand...

Branding vs. Marketing (and why you canā€™t have one without the other) branding marketing Sep 10, 2021

"Branding" and "marketing" are two terms that get thrown around a lot in the entrepreneurial world, and sometimes they're even used interchangeably, when in reality they’re two completely different things. 

So, I’m here to clearly...