She Told Me The Thing I Dreaded to Hear... business life Jun 07, 2017
You can't attract clients without a tribe and you can't build a tribe without a clear personal brand.
~Jessie May

5 years ago I was having coffee with a colleague when she shared something with me that really hurt. It was...
Is Your Brand Sending a Weak Signal? branding May 31, 2017
“Trying to attract a big tribe of raving fans without a personal brand, is like trying to attract a boat from the shoreline with nothing but a match.”

Imagine trying to attract a boat from the shoreline with nothing but a lit match. It...
No One is Inspired By the Perfect Leader leadership May 17, 2017

Are you striving to build the perfect brand and business? To be the leader who always says the right thing and never makes a mistake? 

Do you think that by doing so you'll be seen as more credible, build a tribe of raving fans, attract more...

Conviction Wins The Gold! branding leadership May 03, 2017
"The soulpreneur with the greatest conviction wins the gold!"
Conviction was a hard skill for me to grasp during the first few years of my business because I wanted to come across as open-minded, accepting and welcoming of...
Getting Personalā€¦The Key to Building Trust with Your List branding leadership Apr 19, 2017

How do you communicate with your email list?

Do you send them…

  • excerpts from blog posts that link back to your website?
  • announcements about upcoming products, programs or services?
  • promotional emails from your affiliates?
  • ...
Your Brand Requires Your Opinion branding Mar 30, 2017

Think of any personal brand you know.

How about Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres or Lady Gaga just to give you a few ideas.

These are all powerful, influential women, who many people know, trust and love. And one thing they all have in common is...

Is Inconsistency Killing Your Business? business Mar 15, 2017

There are thousands of solopreneurs out there trying to make their messages heard. The hard truth is that only a small percentage actually succeed, while the majority get lost in the noise.

If you want to be the brand that stands out, attracts...

How to Prepare for Your Personal Branding Photo Shoot branding Feb 22, 2017

If you can only do ONE thing to improve your visual brand, it should be professional head shots. Professional headshots can make the difference between you being perceived as lacking credibility, to being THE person who your ideal...