What Are the Twelve Brand Archetypes? branding Mar 08, 2024

Ever noticed how some brands just seem to get you, like when you scroll through their website or walk into their space you feel immediately heard and at-home? That’s not just smart marketing; it’s archetypes in action! 


Unapologetically You: How to Bring More of Your Self into Your Brand (and why it matters) branding Mar 01, 2024

Today, I’m here to share a conversation (and the lessons behind it) I recently had with a friend and renowned thought leader in the field of personal growth. This expert, let's call her Allison, found herself at a crossroads when an...

Unshakable Inner Peace With Rachael Jayne Groover Feb 23, 2024

I am so excited to be here today with Rachael Jayne Groover and talk about the search that I’ve personally been on many times, the search for unshakable inner peace. 

So many entrepreneurs start a business and hope to reach that sense...

Can You Have More Than One Archetype? branding Feb 16, 2024

To put it simply –– YES! We all can and do have each of the archetypes living somewhere within us. And as we navigate through life and business, we may even find that our primary archetype changes over time (again, totally...

Building a Purposeful Brand with Archetype Families branding Feb 08, 2024

If you’ve spent any amount of time around The Daring Fempreneur, then you likely already know your brand archetype and how it impacts your brand (if not, you can find that out with my free quiz here). But, today we’re here to take this...

How Perfection is Hindering Your Brand and What to Aim for Instead branding Feb 01, 2024

As entrepreneurs, it can be easy to become fixated on the idea of perfection, especially when it comes to our brand and online presence. You might be thinking, “if only my website looked flawless, then I could start sharing it…”...

Color Palettes Designed for Each of the 12 Brand Archetypes (and the Color Psychology Behind Them) branding Jan 26, 2024

Branding is not just about aesthetics – for the most successful brands, it’s a deep, psychological practice that brings together color psychology and brand archetypes to create an impactful identity and presence. 


Why Your Website Designer Canā€™t Seem to Get it Right kajabi websites Jan 19, 2024

I see you, settled into your workspace, 50 tabs open on your browser full of website inspiration that you absolutely love and want to emulate on your own site. 

But instead of realizing the inspiration, you’re stuck in a bad...