Is Your Brand the Music or the Noise? branding Feb 21, 2018

How are you with catching and and KEEPING your potential clients' and tribe members' attention? 

Are you the kind of brand that your peeps can't wait to get more of? Do they eagerly await your next social media post or newsletter? Spend hours...

7 Ways a Professional Brand Will Save You Time branding Jan 10, 2018

1. Never create a dead end program or course again

You probably know how time-consuming creating programs and courses can be. Outlining the course, creating the content, shooting the videos, writing the promotional emails, giving your webinar,...

3 Totally Free Ways to Prepare Your Brand for Profit in 2018 branding Dec 19, 2017

Will 2018 be your most profitable year yet? It could be if you give your brand the attention it deserves before the momentum of the New Year strikes in January.

Below are 3 totally FREE ways to prepare your brand for profit in 2018.

1. Position...

The Biggest Lie in the Coaching Industry business Sep 13, 2017
There's a misconception that I hear from some new business owners that I want to clear up right now.

It's the idea that... 

  • your business is supposed to be easy. 
  • everything is supposed to happen with "ease and flow". 
  • ...
13 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Your Business business Aug 30, 2017

 Have you been spinning your wheels in the early stages of your business? 

Overwhelmed with all there is "to do"? 

Confused about where to focus? 

Frustrated that things aren't working out for you the way they seem to be working...

How to Protect Your Energy While Staying Open-Hearted leadership Aug 16, 2017
How to Protect Your Energy While Staying Open-Hearted and Compassionate
Part of being a leader is having a lot of people around you.

All of these people bring their own "shit": 

  • Challenges they are facing in their personal...
The Dark Side of Personal Branding branding Aug 02, 2017
What comes to mind when you think of personal branding? 

For most daring solopreneurs, it's fun things like:

  • Beautiful colors, graphics and logos.
  • Creative clothes, shoes, accessories and hair styles.
  • Authentic headshots that...
The Lie That Keeps Leaders Stuck in the Dark business Jul 05, 2017

Do you know that you were born to lead? 

To share your message with a tribe of people who look to you for guidance and inspiration? 

To feel the joy and confidence that comes from living aligned with your true potential?

I have...