Personal Branding: Self-Obsession or Self Love? branding Feb 14, 2019
If you're single (or have ever been single ) you've probably heard that knowing and loving yourself is an important step in finding your soul mate.

It makes sense right? Because the more we know, love and accept ourselves, the more we'll radiate...

What is Personal Branding Anyway? branding Feb 07, 2019

First things first, let’s define branding in general.

A brand is the promise of an experience that is consistently delivered everywhere your business shows up.

If you’re a service-based business owner, speaker, author or online...

QUIZ: Where to Spend Your Time and Money in Your Business business Jan 24, 2019

Earlier this month, over 50 women entrepreneurs packed the room in Boulder, CO at my live training, "How to Plan Your Most profitable Year Yet". 

At the beginning, I warned attendees that they may not hear what they expected (or even...

How to Know if Investing in Your Brand is a Smart Decision branding Oct 08, 2018

Investing in your brand is a big decision.

It’s not just a financial investment, but an investment of your time and energy too.

Plus, there are so many places where you could invest in your business, how do you know if your brand is the ...

Discover Your Brand Style in 3 Simple Steps branding Aug 10, 2018

Your Brand Style is the first experience potential clients and tribe members have of you; and your style isn't just limited to how you dress, it also impacts how you decorate your office, the event spaces you use, and the images and graphics you...

How to Position Your Brand for Premium Pricing branding Jul 18, 2018

You are amazing at what you do and your clients get phenomenal results. Isn't it time that your income reflect all your hard work? 

Being paid more for your services is totally possible and easy with a few tweaks to how you're...

How to Keep Your Brand from Falling Flat branding Jun 04, 2018

As a personal brand, one of your jobs is to create content that helps your tribe get to know the real you.

After all, choosing to work with you is an emotional decision, based on how much your tribe likes you as a person, and trusts that...

5 Places to Start Saying No in your Business business Mar 21, 2018

Back in the early days of my business I said YES a lot. Yes to opportunities that weren't a good fit, yes to working with nightmare clients, yes to people wanting to "pick my brain"... and too many more to list.

At the time, I didn't realize it,...