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A 12-week, total brand makeover with Jessie May

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You’ve always been different. 

You’re a woman driven by a deep desire to lead an unconventional life, backed by a business of your own creation that leaves a positive mark on this world.

And lately you’ve noticed that you’re being called to more …

... that despite being the powerhouse you are, there’s still part of you that’s been holding back from taking your business to the next level with clarity, confidence and style.



Maybe it's because you feel …

● Embarrassed about your brand, so you avoid creating new programs, writing that book you’ve been thinking about for ages or pitching yourself for podcast interviews. 

● Confused about how to clearly communicate your copious methods and tools in a way that gets others as excited about your business as you are.

● Overwhelmed by the decisions you’re making in your business, from course names to content topics to speaking opportunities - you’re always questioning "is this really me?”

But you didn't come this far to stall out here.

It’s time to align all of what you do and who you are into a powerful brand that gives you the confidence and clarity you need to go ALL THE WAY in your business!


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I'm Jessie May, your new Brand Strategist

I believe that feminine leadership is the way of the future, and that’s why, for the past 10 years, I’ve dedicated my business to helping Daring Fempreneurs like you, take their brands from boring to blazing HOT so they can become SOUGHT AFTER as the amazing experts they are!

Branding is so much more than a fancy logo and pretty color palette.

One thing I’ve learned from investing in, and upleveling my own brand over the years, is that when I upgrade my brand, it has a way of powerfully upgrading my energy and mindset too, giving me the courage and confidence to leap forward in ways that felt unimaginable before.

If you feel like your current brand (or lack thereof) is holding you back from taking the next leap forward in your business, then I hope you’ll stick around, explore this page and, if it feels aligned, schedule an Introductory Interview with me to discuss working together!  

When you choose to invest in your brand, you’re saying a big bold YES to:

Feeling unstoppable! You’ll be ready to confidently pursue next level opportunities, like … speaking on larger stages, approaching the media for interviews and partnering with well-known industry names.

Attracting higher-paying clients who see your value and are more than willing to pay you what you’re worth (finally!). 

Making a bigger impact. When people “get” you, they’ll want to follow you and join your programs. You’ll be able to share your message with a global audience and see your impact unfold before your eyes.

Receiving more referrals because your colleagues see you as a credible resource.

Saving time because now everything in your business won’t rely on you. Your team will have a system in place showing them how to correctly implement your brand across your biz.

Launching your new book or program with assurance knowing you’ll look the part when all of that new traffic comes your direction.

Feeling totally aligned and at home in your business now that the incredible wisdom and experience you’ve gained over the years is finally reflected on the outside.

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This is a 12-week program for the Daring Fempreneur who wants a professional and authentic brand to launch her into the arena with the most elite names in her industry.


By the end of this program you'll ...

βœ”οΈŽ Understand the unspoken language of colors and archetypes, and how to use this language in your brand to create unparalleled connection and trust with your audience.

βœ”οΈŽ Have complete clarity about your ideal client and how to communicate with them so they feel inspired to work with you, join your programs and follow you on social media.

βœ”οΈŽ Feel free to express your values, beliefs and point of view as the face of your brand and start experiencing the joy that comes from knowing you’re speaking your truth and getting hired for being you!

βœ”οΈŽ Know deep in your bones what makes working with you a unique experience, unlike anything else available, and how to clearly convey this to potential clients.

βœ”οΈŽ No longer feel scattered or pulled in a million directions when it comes to what to share on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, your newsletter or blog.

βœ”οΈŽ Finally have the words to clearly and confidently answer the question β€œwhat do you do?” at your next networking event.

βœ”οΈŽ Have a visual identity package abundant with custom logos, colors, fonts, patterns/textures, accent elements and more, that you and your team can use to design your website and create on-brand social media graphics and marketing materials.

βœ”οΈŽ Have a complete communication system including brand-specific words and phrases you can use across your written and spoken content to make your brand voice instantly recognizable.

βœ”οΈŽ Feel empowered like never before, to get out there and accomplish your wildest dreams, because now you have a brand that can get you there!

Here’s what you’ll receive when we work together ...

Brand Your Brilliance Zoom Retreat - 2 hrs

As a coach, healer or online expert, you are the face of your brand; so our first step is to get you crystal clear about how you want to show up as the face of this beautiful brand we’re building.

Using the power of timeless Archetypes and Color Psychology, we’ll brand your brilliance, honing in on your unique personality, values, big why, point of view and position in the market.

In an online climate where an average of 1,821 new fempreneurs enter the scene every day, your personal brand is paramount! If you don’t know why your potential clients should choose you over all their other options, they won’t know either. 

The Brand Your Brilliance Zoom Retreat will give you the clarity you need!

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Boom Your Brand Zoom Retreat -  2 hrs

Building your personal brand is an important start, but if you’re on a mission to create a massive impact through your business, we can’t stop there. One week after your Brand Your Brilliance Zoom Retreat, we’ll move onto phase 2: clarifying your brand in relation to the world.

During your Boom Your Brand Zoom Retreat we’ll hone in on big topics like your ideal client, emotional impact and brand promise. Then we’ll begin pulling together your Communication System and prepping for the visual design process (exciting!!!) that comes next.

Visual Branding Consultation - 40 min

This is what you’ve been waiting for! About one week after your Boom Your Brand Zoom Retreat (after you’ve completed some fun homework assignments), we’ll meet with one of the world-class designers on my team.

This is an opportunity for the designer to meet you, ask you some questions and get a sense of your vibe before beginning the visual design process.

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Brand Matrix

Your Brand Matrix is a virtual document, created in Trello, that pulls together the foundational facets of your brand in one place. It includes things like your brand personality, archetypes, power colors, ideal client, voice, story, words and phrases, visual guidelines and more!

Think of your Brand Matrix like your North Star - when you get lost, it will guide you home. It keeps you from straying down paths that won’t serve you and your brand in the long run.

It’s also an amazing resource to provide team members, like web designers, graphic designers or VAs who are responsible for communicating your brand correctly to the world.

We’ll complete most of your Brand Matrix during your Brand Your Brilliance and Boom Your Brand Zoom retreats, and we’ll put on the finishing touches during the rest of our time together.

Communication System

Never scratch your head again, wondering how to talk and write about your biz so your ideal clients “get” what you have to offer. By the end of this program, you’ll have a complete Communication System that reflects your brand’s unique personality and speaks to the hearts of your ideal clients, so they see the value in working with you!

Your Communication System includes:

  • A strategic business name that can evolve with your business as it grows.
  • A Vocab Vault of words and phrases to make your voice instantly recognizable.
  • A tagline that captures your business’s essence in one powerful sentence.
  • A title that clearly communicates your role in your business. 
  • A done-for-you professional bio you can use on your speaker sheet, in podcast interviews or anywhere you need to position yourself as credible!
  • Content Categories - we’ll organize your expertise into content categories so you always know what to talk about on your blog and in your social media posts and you never confuse your audience by sharing things that are off topic.
  • Program Names - if needed, we’ll craft captivating names for your signature offers.
  • Your Brand Story - I’ll guide you to write a brand story that reflects your journey and builds the connection your audience needs to be confident working with you. 
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Communication System

Never scratch your head again, wondering how to talk and write about your biz so your ideal clients “get” what you have to offer. By the end of this program, you’ll have a complete Communication System that reflects your brand’s unique personality and speaks to the hearts of your ideal clients, so they see the value in working with you!

Your Communication System includes:

  • A strategic business name that can evolve with your business as it grows.
  • A Vocab Vault of words and phrases to make your voice instantly recognizable.
  • A tagline that captures your business’s essence in one powerful sentence.
  • A title that clearly communicates your role in your business. 
  • A done-for-you professional bio you can use on your speaker sheet, in podcast interviews or anywhere you need to position yourself as credible!
  • Content Categories - we’ll organize your expertise into content categories so you always know what to talk about on your blog and in your social media posts and you never confuse your audience by sharing things that are off topic.
  • Program Names - if needed, we’ll craft captivating names for your signature offers.
  • Your Brand Story - I’ll guide you to write a brand story that reflects your journey and builds the connection your audience needs to be confident working with you. 
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Visual Identity Package

You’ll be well prepared to rock those first impressions with a robust visual identity package, strategically designed to ensure your website, and all marketing materials, are professional, authentic and consistent. 

Your Visual Identity Package Includes: 

  • Mood Board - we’ll kick off your visual branding journey with a mood board that pulls together colors, images, fonts, shapes, textures and anything else that captures your brand’s authentic vibe.
  • Primary Logo, Secondary Logo, Icon - you’ll receive multiple logo variations to use in different contexts across your business.
  • Custom Color Palette - this isn’t just any color palette! We’ll choose your brand colors using Color Psychology to determine which colors align with your brand personality and speak to the type of client you want to attract.
  • Fonts/typography - we’ll select a headline and body font that beautifully complement each other and reflect your brand personality.
  • Patterns/Textures - you’ll receive gorgeous patterns, textures and/or accent elements that create the building blocks for one-of-a-kind graphics.
  • Stock Image Library -  we’ll curate a library of free stock images, and if desired, help you select paid stock images and plan your personal branding photoshoot (paid stock images and personal branding photoshoot not included in price).
  • Banners - you’ll receive banners (as needed) for your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and/or Meetup accounts, as well as your newsletter.
  • Social media templates - you’ll receive up to 5 social media templates of your choosing, for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or your blog.
  • Brand Book - at the end of our work together you’ll be gifted a Brand Book (PDF) that pulls together every facet of your brand into one beautiful resource for you and your team to follow.
  • Print collection (choose up to 3) - business card, stickers or magnets, letterhead, retractable banner, postcards, table runner.

Unlimited Coaching Sessions and Email Support

You heard that right! During our work together you’ll have my undivided attention as we work together to build your world-class brand.

With unlimited Zoom coaching sessions (40 min each) and email support, you’ll have the expert guidance you need to walk away with a brand you feel confident about and excited to share with the world!

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These brand-booming bonuses:

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Power Profile, Online Course

Color plays an important, yet often unconscious, role in how we're perceived by others. And therefore, in branding, the strategic use of color is important to being perceived and remembered the way we desire.

Color can influence … 

  • the types of clients you attract
  • whether you're seen as trustworthy
  • how much money you make
  • the results your clients get … and so much more! 

The Power Profile is an assessment and course based on Color Psychology, that I created to help you understand which colors are the closest reflection of your authentic personality, and therefore which colors are best to use in your brand.

Archetypes Quiz

Archetypes are at the core of how we understand the world (albeit unconscious for many people).

Transcending time and culture, we find archetypal patterns in movies, books, songs, experiences, the characters in our lives, and of course… the brands we know and love!

There are 12 primary Jungian Archetypes, and while you probably have many at play within your personality, when you take my Archetypes Quiz, you’ll discover your top 3.

We’ll use your quiz results to infuse your archetypes into your brand personality, messaging and visuals to create instant familiarity and emotional connection with your audience.

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Archetypes Quiz

Archetypes are at the core of how we understand the world (albeit unconscious for many people).

Transcending time and culture, we find archetypal patterns in movies, books, songs, experiences, the characters in our lives, and of course… the brands we know and love!

There are 12 primary Jungian Archetypes, and while you probably have many at play within your personality, when you take my Archetypes Quiz, you’ll discover your top 3.

We’ll use your quiz results to infuse your archetypes into your brand personality, messaging and visuals to create instant familiarity and emotional connection with your audience.

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Pinpoint Your Profitable Niche, Online Course

In today’s crowded market, having a clear niche that helps you stand out and be found by your ideal clients is an essential part of your brand. 

In this course you'll … 

  • Discover exactly what a niche is (and what it's not!)
  • Learn my Profitable Niche Formula that makes building your niche super easy by breaking it down into 5 KEY parts.
  • Get clear on your ideal client once and for all.
  • Test your ideal client to determine if it's a group you can make money by serving.
  • Build your Ideal Client Profile, which you'll be able to use to deeply connect with your ideal clients on your website, social media, webinars, talks and across your entire brand.

Build Your Brand Story, Online Course

This course walks you through writing a Brand Story that will create the connection, inspiration and trust your audience needs to confidently choose YOU as their guide.
In this course you'll ...
  • Discover exactly what a Brand Story is (and what it's not).
  • Find out why having a Brand Story is absolutely essential to your business.
  • Be guided through a process to help you hone in on which of your many stories to use as your Brand Story.
  • Learn how to make your Brand Story memorable (even if you think it's boring).
  • Easily write your Brand Story using my proven template.
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The Effort-Less Editorial System, Online Course

Keep your content organized and on brand! If you've ever felt overwhelmed by all the content you "need" to create and confused about what to share, you can take a sigh of relief!
In this course, you'll ...
  • Outline your Content Building Blocks so you stop feeling overwhelmed about what to write about and you have a never-ending supply of content ideas year after year.
  • Choose your Categories, Subcategories and Microcategories so your content is always on-brand" and you never confuse your audience by sharing things that are off-topic.
  • Brainstorm your content titles for the next 6-12 months using the 37 Fill-In-The-Blank Title Formulas to make the process fast and painless.
  • Develop and schedule your content pieces so you never have to worry: "what am I going to share this week?".
  • Learn how to set up your editorial calendar in Trello, so you never waste time again trying to figure out what to share.
  • Finally feel on top of your game knowing you have a plan in place to stay consistent with your content week after week.

Master Your Marketing Message, Online Course

Is what you do clear in your head, but when you open your mouth, it's a hot mess? You're not alone sister! And the fix is easier than you might think.

In this course, you'll ...
  • Be guided through a simple step-by-step process to get you confident and clear about communicating your value to potential clients.
  • Easily write a short, medium and long version of your marketing message that you can use in various settings, from Facebook Live introductions to introducing yourself at networking events.
  • Start seeing the people you talk to, sign up to work with you and refer their friends, because they finally GET how you can help them.


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Special Recognition in Front of My Community

Receive special recognition and exposure, with links back to your website, in my newsletter and social media platforms. This bonus is priceless, but for example, one of my clients signed her first client at $6,000 with this Special Recognition bonus!


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Your visual brand will be completely unique to you, but it's always fun to see what's possible, right?!

Check out past client projects here.



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"Before working with Jessie May, I had an old and outdated brand that no longer reflected who I was. I was ready to take my business to the next level, and I knew that visual branding was the first step to having the online presence I so desired.

With suggestions and support from Jessie May and her team, I walked away with a whole new brand that is DYNAMITE!

Every single person that knows me well (and even those who don't!) tell me how much my logo, style, colors and tagline are really, truly ME. Now I feel so confident putting myself out there online, and it shows!

My sales have exploded since I've rebranded and I'm so grateful that I began this journey. Especially at the beginning, I was so glad to have Jessie May managing this process because I found that I had a difficult time explaining what I wanted (or even knowing what I wanted.)

If you're looking for a calm, centered and knowledgeable professional to guide and inform your brand and your business, you found it with Jessie May!"

Katie Collins
Sales Coach

"I just wanted to send you some kudos for helping me with my brand!  Very recently, I’ve been approached by a couple of people about being a guest on their podcasts. At each of our initial meetings, they mentioned how much they love the energy from the branding on my website and they knew I would bring a bright and positive outlook to their readers.  

I must admit - this is all your work! I never even knew about branding before working with you. I can’t imagine what kind of message my website and social channels would convey without your help. 

I thought that could be a good testimonial or lesson for anyone out there who doesn’t think branding is worth it. I’ve booked clients and podcast shows based on the energy from my brand."

Allison Rissel
CEO of Allison Rissel Training
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"I recommend Jessie May to anyone who wants a boost of enthusiasm, hard work and energy into their brand!

I came to Jessie May for help creating an online presence for my work as a Life coach and Zen artist.

She’s organized, focused and committed to her private clients’ goals and objectives. Jessie May helped me to clarify the unique steps of my process, and the message that resonates with it; be the calm in the chaos.

Together we created a brand to represent my work, both on and off line. I redid my website, created new logos, picked new colors and wrote new copy under her watchful eye. The results have expanded my work and deepened my impact.

Thank you Jessie May!"

Pompe Strater-Vidal
Life Coach and Zen Artist
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"Before working with Jessie May, I had an old and outdated brand that no longer reflected who I was. I was ready to take my business to the next level, and I knew that visual branding was the first step to having the online presence I so desired.

With suggestions and support from Jessie May and her team, I walked away with a whole new brand that is DYNAMITE!

Every single person that knows me well (and even those who don't!) tell me how much my logo, style, colors and tagline are really, truly ME. Now I feel so confident putting myself out there online, and it shows!

My sales have exploded since I've rebranded and I'm so grateful that I began this journey. Especially at the beginning, I was so glad to have Jessie May managing this process because I found that I had a difficult time explaining what I wanted (or even knowing what I wanted.)

If you're looking for a calm, centered and knowledgeable professional to guide and inform your brand and your business, you found it with Jessie May!"

Katie Collins
Sales Coach
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"I just wanted to send you some kudos for helping me with my brand!  Very recently, I’ve been approached by a couple of people about being a guest on their podcasts. At each of our initial meetings, they mentioned how much they love the energy from the branding on my website and they knew I would bring a bright and positive outlook to their readers.  

I must admit - this is all your work! I never even knew about branding before working with you. I can’t imagine what kind of message my website and social channels would convey without your help. 

I thought that could be a good testimonial or lesson for anyone out there who doesn’t think branding is worth it. I’ve booked clients and podcast shows based on the energy from my brand."

Allison Rissel
CEO of Allison Rissel Training
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"I recommend Jessie May to anyone who wants a boost of enthusiasm, hard work and energy into their brand!

I came to Jessie May for help creating an online presence for my work as a Life coach and Zen artist.

She’s organized, focused and committed to her private clients’ goals and objectives. Jessie May helped me to clarify the unique steps of my process, and the message that resonates with it; be the calm in the chaos.

Together we created a brand to represent my work, both on and off line. I redid my website, created new logos, picked new colors and wrote new copy under her watchful eye. The results have expanded my work and deepened my impact.

Thank you Jessie May!"

Pompe Strater-Vidal
Life Coach and Zen Artist


To recap... 



• Brand Your Brilliance Zoom Retreat ($1,900)

• Boom Your Brand Zoom Retreat ($1,900)

• Visual Branding Consultation ($275)

• Brand Matrix ($1,500)

• Communication System ($2,000)

• Visual Identity Package ($3,000)

• Unlimited coaching sessions, email and phone support ($4,500)

Brand-Booming Bonuses:

• Power Profile, Online Course ($47)

• Archetypes Quiz ($47)

• Pinpoint Your Profitable Niche, Online Course ($497)

• Build Your Brand Story, Online Course ($297)

• The Effort-Less Editorial System, online Course ($197)

• Master Your Marketing Message, Online Course ($97)

• Special Recognition (Priceless)

TOTAL VALUE: Over $16,257

But because I know how dedicated you are to building an impactful brand, and I'm passionate about helping you make it happen … I want make the investment a little easier on you ...





(SAVE $740)






(SAVE $740)




(Plus 3 monthly payments of $2,250)

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Is this for you?


Investing in your brand is a big decision. Here are a few ways to determine if it’s the right choice for you now:


βœ”οΈŽ You’re a coach, healer or online expert with the goal of building a 6 or 7 figure business and you know that having a complete brand identity is necessary to making this happen.

βœ”οΈŽ You’re thinking about investing in a new website and you understand that for your website to be most profitable, it needs to be built on the foundation of a powerful brand. 

βœ”οΈŽ You’re thinking about investing time or money into marketing your business. Marketing without a solid brand won’t do much good, because while people might see you, they won’t understand you, won’t think you’re credible and won’t remember you later when they need your service. If you’re thinking about marketing, but don’t have a brand, build your brand first!

βœ”οΈŽ You’re ready to finally feel legit and PROUD when you hand someone your business card, send someone to your website, apply for speaking gigs or talk about your business in general.

βœ”οΈŽ You’re just starting out and you have a vision for the direction you want to take your business, you just need support bringing your brand into alignment with that vision.

βœ”οΈŽ You understand that building your brand requires deep inner reflection, answering challenging questions and making decisions, all within a limited timeframe, if you want to get the results from this program that you came for.

βœ”οΈŽ You’re ready to be seen and get vulnerable. Branding is a vulnerable process because it requires uncovering the depths of who you are, and then showing up openly and consistently to create meaningful connection with your clients and community.

βœ”οΈŽ You have a lot of tools in your toolbox and you need help bringing them together into a cohesive brand that other people understand and value.

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"When I found Jessie May, I was having trouble zoning in on how to start branding myself due to my thankfully extreme explosive flow of creative energy. I have so many ideas being downloaded all the time that putting them into a meaningful purpose and plan of action was difficult. 

Saying YES to working with Jessie May was one of the biggest financial YES’s I had ever committed too, which in turn, has expanded into every area of my life.

I’ve seen my voice get stronger, my focus get clearer and my willingness to go for it no matter what get bigger. And now my message about who I am and what I have to offer has direction and consistency which was missing before.

I’m grateful for Jessie May’s honesty, knowledge, fun energy and kindness as she led the way, helping me reinvigorate my brand with clarity."

Brookelin Gottlieb
Founder of Breathe with Brookelin

"When I started attending Jessie May’s Daring Fempreneur events in Boulder, CO, I had an idea for my business, but I didn’t have a website or messaging I felt confident about sharing with others.

Over time, as I attended more and more events, it became clear to me that Jessie May was the person I wanted to help me build my brand. Not only did she have the biggest heart in the room, but I could tell she had clear processes and procedures and would be able to work with me in a logical and focused fashion, which is very important to me.

What I wanted from Jessie May was a website, brand and message, that represented me the way I wished to be represented. And that’s what she delivered, 100%. 

She was great at asking the right questions to draw out what I wanted, but couldn’t visualize myself. This resulted in a brand that looks and feels totally like me! 

“Wow, that’s beautiful!”, “That’s so you!” and “It all makes sense” are common comments I receive about my brand from others.

Now I feel confident when I show up to networking events, knowing that when I hand someone my business card or when they go home and look me up online, that they’ll see congruence in what I said and how I presented myself.

Not only that, they’ll see a brand that is both beautiful and professional - two things that were very important to me!"

Kathleen Forsyth
Career Coach
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"Jessie May helped me differentiate myself from all the other coaches

by guiding me to clarify a business that’s truly, uniquely ME!

From my ideal client and niche, to my marketing message, mission, brand personality and colors, Jessie May helped me create a brand that not only aligns perfectly with me, but that other people actually “get”.

I’m excited to announce that clients are steadily rolling in.

Jessie May is the real deal; her smile lights up the room and hearts of her clients and community. I can definitely say I’m a fan and blessed to have worked with her.

Tiffany Lanier
Founder of The Morning Shift Co.
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"When I found Jessie May, I was having trouble zoning in on how to start branding myself due to my thankfully extreme explosive flow of creative energy. I have so many ideas being downloaded all the time that putting them into a meaningful purpose and plan of action was difficult. 

Saying YES to working with Jessie May was one of the biggest financial YES’s I had ever committed too, which in turn, has expanded into every area of my life.

I’ve seen my voice get stronger, my focus get clearer and my willingness to go for it no matter what get bigger. And now my message about who I am and what I have to offer has direction and consistency which was missing before.

I’m grateful for Jessie May’s honesty, knowledge, fun energy and kindness as she led the way, helping me reinvigorate my brand with clarity."

Brookelin Gottlieb
Founder of Breathe with Brookelin
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"When I started attending Jessie May’s Daring Fempreneur events in Boulder, CO, I had an idea for my business, but I didn’t have a website or messaging I felt confident about sharing with others.

Over time, as I attended more and more events, it became clear to me that Jessie May was the person I wanted to help me build my brand. Not only did she have the biggest heart in the room, but I could tell she had clear processes and procedures and would be able to work with me in a logical and focused fashion, which is very important to me.

What I wanted from Jessie May was a website, brand and message, that represented me the way I wished to be represented. And that’s what she delivered, 100%. 

She was great at asking the right questions to draw out what I wanted, but couldn’t visualize myself. This resulted in a brand that looks and feels totally like me! 

“Wow, that’s beautiful!”, “That’s so you!” and “It all makes sense” are common comments I receive about my brand from others.

Now I feel confident when I show up to networking events, knowing that when I hand someone my business card or when they go home and look me up online, that they’ll see congruence in what I said and how I presented myself.

Not only that, they’ll see a brand that is both beautiful and professional - two things that were very important to me!"

Kathleen Forsyth
Career Coach
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"Jessie May helped me differentiate myself from all the other coaches

by guiding me to clarify a business that’s truly, uniquely ME!

From my ideal client and niche, to my marketing message, mission, brand personality and colors, Jessie May helped me create a brand that not only aligns perfectly with me, but that other people actually “get”.

I’m excited to announce that clients are steadily rolling in.

Jessie May is the real deal; her smile lights up the room and hearts of her clients and community. I can definitely say I’m a fan and blessed to have worked with her.

Tiffany Lanier
Founder of The Morning Shift Co.


So I can give my clients the exceptional attention they deserve, The Million Dollar Brand Makeover is reserved for a small number of Daring Fempreneurs per year. 

If you’ve read through this page and believe you’re perfect for one of these limited spots, here’s what you need to do next: 

Step 1

Book your Introductory Interview. This is a no-pressure call on Zoom where we’ll get to know each other and decide if we'd like to embark on your brand-building adventure together.


Step 2

Complete the Introductory Interview prep form (you’ll be guided to do this when booking your interview) which will help me understand your goals and the support you’re looking for.


Step 3

After our Introductory Interview, if we decide to work together, I’ll send over the agreement for you to sign and you’ll either pay the deposit or full amount, depending on which payment option you choose.


Step 4

Next we’ll get your "Brand Your Brilliance Zoom Retreat" on the calendar and I’ll send you some fun homework to complete before your retreat.


A few ways the Million Dollar Brand Makeover stands in a class of its own:

When you work with me, you get so much more than a beautiful brand.

My background is in psychology, business development, communications and coaching and my work with you is all about strategically building your brand to attract clients, fill your programs and build your tribe!

If you want a logo, hire a graphic designer.

But if you want a complete brand identity that strategically links you to the clients you want to attract through beautiful visuals and clear messaging designed to position your business for premium pricing … then you’ll love working with me.

Don’t fear, there’s no cookie cutter brands here!

You’re one of a kind, so you need a completely customized brand that reflects the depth of your personality. That’s why we begin with a deep discovery process (much deeper than simply filling out a form and turning it in to your designer) that uncovers your essence before we ever dive into design.

And once we start the design process, you can rest assured that we won’t try to box you in to a premade template or create something trendy just because it’s cool. Every brand we design is timeless and as unique as the woman we’re designing it for.

I’m all about empowering you and this goes for your branding too!

When we wrap up your project, I won’t just dump a bunch of files on you that you have no idea how to use. You’ll receive a meticulously organized Dropbox folder overflowing with all your brand assets in multiple file formats.

You’ll also receive guidance that empowers you (and/or your VA or web designer) to be able to recreate beautiful, on-brand graphics for your business for years to come.

Of course, if you ever need something after our project is complete, I’m always happy to hear from you, but you won’t have to rely on me every time you need a new graphic or a small tweak made to something we created.


Questions past clients asked before investing in The Million-Dollar Brand Makeover.


It’s time to be seen, valued and hired for the brilliant business woman you are!




(SAVE $740)




It’s time to be seen, valued and hired for the brilliant business woman you are!



(SAVE $740)




(Plus 3 Monthly payments of $2,250)

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Copyright © 2020 The Daring Fempreneur. 

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Copyright © 2020 The Daring Fempreneur.