How the Mainstream Feminine is Keeping You From Your Financial Goals

daring member of the month Mar 04, 2022

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month” and this month, I'm excited to introduce you to Karen Gruber!

As one of our longest-standing members, we've grown to love Karen for the kindness she showers our community with, balanced with her extraordinary ability to LIFT us up to be our greatest selves.

This month, we're celebrating Karen's recent launch of her new brand and website and the fulfillment she gets to experience now that she's designed a business around work that lights her up: empowering women entrepreneurs to create financial and soul-aligned success. Karen's coaching is powerful and transformative, as one of her clients who recently signed a 2-year contract for over 200K can attest! 

Today, Karen and I will be discussing how women are taught to think and talk about finances, and how this may be keeping you from reaching your financial goals.

We talk about:

  • The 3 things you need to know in order to gain long-term wealth
  • The #1 secret to skyrocket your confidence so you can market your services with ease
  • How her Active Feminine Formula™ is YOUR key to being financially successful without selling your soul or compromising your values

Meet Karen Gruber

Karen Gruber is a best-selling author, speaker and coach for purpose-driven women entrepreneurs. Her unique approach to leadership emphasizes the inherent power women have when they embrace the potency of taking an active role in creating the reality they desire. Grounded in her Active Feminine Formula™ and focused on maximizing the potential of each woman’s zone of brilliance, Karen helps her clients gain the courage to fully express their soul-driven purpose and create financial and soul aligned success.

In 2020, Karen created ROAR: The Experience, a 6-month program designed to help women entrepreneurs ROAR to life in their soul-aligned business; generate explosive income, maximize their impact, and establish complete sovereignty over what they actualize in their lives. The result is the freedom to follow their destinies with ease and joy as they make positive impacts on a local and global scale.

Q: How did you get started in your business?

Karen has been working in women’s communities for over 15 years in various capacities. Her first coaching experience was working with moms, and as she grew and expanded she realized that her dream client also evolved and expanded. Many fempreneurs choose their ideal clients once and stick with them, because it can be incredibly hard to let that go! It took Karen a few years to get through the inner work she needed to and fully step into her new business as a prosperity and leadership coach.

Before that, she ran a real estate empire with her husband, generating millions of dollars in revenue over 18 years in that business. With her husband as the face of the brand, Karen struggled with feeling like he deserved all the credit. However, it wasn’t until she realized a very important mindset shift that she came to understand that without her work and support behind the scenes, they never would have achieved the success they did.

Throughout all of these experiences, she found herself constantly bumping up against women who were limiting themselves in the amount of income they could earn, and the amount of clients they could find and sign on– and so many of these mental blocks were rooted in how women are taught to feel and think about money.

With the realization that our society essentially centers around money, Karen discovered that money is what allows us to take risks, grow our businesses, and propel ourselves upwards in life. Karen believes that when we are truly aligned and empowered, that’s when the money flows to us and our businesses, rather than when we’re blindly following what other entrepreneurs are doing. Now, she’s created her own vision and business that lifts others up and allows them to create financial and spiritual success on THEIR terms. 

Q: Who do you love to work with, and what’s the biggest problem you help them solve? 

The biggest problem Karen solves for purpose-driven entrepreneurs is the gap between creating incredible services, products, and programs, and promoting and marketing our businesses. She’s found a huge disconnect between the creation and promotion, because promotion is where all the fear and vulnerability lies! 

One of the main things she works on with her clients is helping them feel connected to their big vision and realize the importance it has on the world and the people around them. She helps entrepreneurs become so excited about their businesses and visions that the marketing and promotional process becomes exciting, and just as fun as creating the programs and services that they already LOVE to do! 

Keep in mind, Karen goes way beyond walking you through how to market your business, because she realizes that this can look completely differently for every single entrepreneur.

Karen has such a unique way of helping entrepreneurs create and identify marketing strategies that feel truly aligned with their business, vision, program, and impact they desire to have. 

Q: How do we solve this problem, and what tips can you share with us today?

Karen points out that the magic she and her clients create is not limited – it’s available to everyone. 

She recognizes that in society, the masculine is created to DO, while the feminine is created to BE – create, manifest, receive. While these are all important energies, that’s not all there is to women finding success. So often in patriarchal societies, women feel as though they have to fit into a certain box, look and act a certain way, and stay waiting in their place as a woman. 

But, she stresses the incredible importance of harnessing your feminine energy to become a co-creator, take action, work towards your goals, and take an active, aligned role in your business while staying true to your intuition and desires. She calls this the Active Feminine™ and describes it as, “a return to, and an evolution of the feminine.”

Q: How is the Active Feminine™ different from the masculine?

Taking the feminine and making it active, is NOT the same as the masculine. Traditionally, masculine energy is extremely driven, forced, pushed forward, getting things done no matter what. However, the Active Feminine™ is about being pulled towards what you want, and dealing with fear in a positive, courageous way, rather than forcing and pushing it. This isn’t to say that the Active Feminine™ isn’t motivated and inspired, but rather it’s about feeling pulled towards the things that light you up and where your vision wants to take you.

Q: What do women need to know in order to gain long-term wealth?

Connecting to a higher power, whatever that looks like to you, there is so much intelligence and connectedness in the universe. Tapping into that connection, support, and love truly makes you unstoppable. Your potential becomes much more clear to you and you feel pulled towards the impact you’re making.

Trusting your intuition is key for so many women. So often, we disconnect from what we know to be true and find ourselves dismissing what we feel. Intuition is a gift, and something that we need to work on developing, and the first step is to listen and trust what your intuition tells you.

Lastly, you need to harness your power from within yourself. Stop passing it off to people who think they know better than you, loved ones who want the best for you, or anyone else. While this isn’t a quick fix, and takes deep work, the outcomes are completely unmatched.

Karen’s coaching incorporates deep inner work that’s often overlooked in other programs. But, she realizes that this is an absolutely crucial step to creating the life you want, and that you won’t be able to truly find aligned success unless you have done the inner work necessary.

Q: What’s your secret for finding confidence as a female entrepreneur? 

So often, a lack of confidence is what keeps women entrepreneurs stuck, feeling like they can’t get their businesses out there and market themselves. 

Karen teaches that in order to find confidence, you need to block out all negativity and find someone you can depend on who supports you no matter what, to the ends of the earth – whether that’s a paid coach, a best friend, a partner, or anyone else! 

We so often get trapped in our Facebook feeds, listening to what we “should” be doing, being told how we should talk or think. But with time, focus, energy, and creating a “bubble” of confidence, Karen says that we can absolutely learn to feel and grow in our confidence. 

No matter what, even in your confidence bubble, you’re always going to feel the fear. The key is to feel the desire first for what it is you want to do, and what your inspired action is. It’s completely okay to feel fear, but you need to first be so connected to what you’re doing that you address and move past the fear. Make your mission bigger than your fear, and focus more on the impact you’re having rather than what you could do wrong. Realize that you are a conduit for change, and that you have the message that someone needs to hear today in order to grow and learn.

It doesn’t necessarily get easier over time, but you get better every single time you step past your fear and take aligned action. Karen always encourages women to just take a step and do what it is you want to do! We all start somewhere, and you’re never going to be able to trade time and experience to be perfect the first time you do something.


Q: What does “daring” mean to you?

Daring, to Karen, means showing up. Connecting with her audience, with people, and putting herself out there. At the beginning, she tried to run her entire business hiding behind her computer. But, she quickly realized that success for her comes from a much more personal approach, rather than creating behind-the-scenes systems, and put more of herself into her business.

Q: What are you most excited about in your business right now?

Karen feels genuinely excited for each new step she takes in her business. Even more so, she is so incredibly excited for each of her clients, getting to see the steps they take and where they’re going in their business. Feeling these connections, witnessing others’ transformations, and realizing that she helped them along their journey is the most fulfilling part of Karen’s business.

Exclusive for Daring Fempreneurs, Karen has put together a special package! She’s offering a 3-hour retreat, and a 1-hour consultation to help you step into this year with confidence. This offering is normally $497, but for members of The Daring Fempreneur community, it's just $147 for the month of March! You can join our community for free at this link, and take advantage of Karen’s generous offer by clicking here!

You can learn more about Karen’s work and business, and get in touch with her at this link.

If you want to join Karen and other amazing members in the Impact Tribe, we would love to welcome you! When you join the Impact Tribe, you get access to a library of biz-booming courses, next-level coaching, and an inspiring, uplifting community of women on a similar path as you. Learn more and join us today at this link.



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