Holistic and Natural Help for Pregnancy, Postpartum and Little Ones

daring member of the month Aug 06, 2023

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month,” and today, I'm excited to introduce you to Chiropractor and Nutritionist, Dr. Birchann Martin. We love the grounded strength she brings to our group, and how she stays open through the feedback she both gives and receives. 

Today, Dr. Birchann and I will be discussing:

  • The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy.
  • How chiropractic can help babies and children.
  • How you can help your baby if they are suffering from colic.

Meet Dr. Birchann Martin

Dr. Birchann Martin is a chiropractor and nutrition expert on a mission to help mothers in all stages of motherhood and their little babies and children to feel their best. Dr. Birchann is a healer for mamas and their families who are struggling with pain or discomfort. A true believer that we can heal naturally, Dr. Birchann is on a mission to help families to transform their pain or health problems into comfort and ease and feel empowered in taking good care of their families health.

Dr. Birchann specializes in pediatric and perinatal care with chiropractic and nutrition and has successfully helped countless mothers have easier pregnancies and birth and babies and children overcome complaints of infancy and childhood.

This work is so important to Dr. Birchann because she believes all families deserve to have natural solutions to support their health and healing from a provider who truly listens and deeply cares. Dr. Birchann approaches chiropractic and nutrition differently: she looks for the root cause of a health problem and helps to fix it.

Q: How did you get started in this field? 

Dr. Birchann always loved kids and wanted to help them – initially thinking she’d become a pediatrician. After growing up with what she calls a “crunchy mom” who packed tofu pudding for her lunches, she felt called to look for a more natural alternative approach to healing than what she experienced with her pediatrician. 

As she got a little older, she herself had to see a chiropractor for issues her pediatrician could not help with. They eventually became closer and she found herself babysitting her chiropractor’s children – giving her an up-close look at her lifestyle and values. 

From there, she went to chiropractic school and never looked back! Dr. Birchann knew her path and felt like she had found exactly what she was meant to do. For her, the nutrition piece made sense to add as she completed more training and education, as it’s an often overlooked yet completely essential piece to the health puzzle. 

Once she moved to Boulder, Colorado, she started her own private practice helping people with chiropractic and nutrition. Her passion lies in helping families make a lifelong difference for their kids. She notes that when you’re in pain or feeling tired, you don’t show up the way you could. Dr. Birchann loves helping people feel their best so they can show up as their best selves and contribute to the world the best they can. 

Q: What is the most common thing you help your clients with?

When she had her first pregnancy, Dr Birchann found herself surprised by the hormonal changes and just how bad she could feel. From there, she realized she wanted to help other moms and pregnant people overcome that pain through nutrition. 

As a chiropractor, she helps clients support the structures of the pelvis and spine, allowing the uterus to fill to its full space, thus relieving pain. The spine and skull are centers of the nervous system, and when it’s out of alignment or restricted, our brains and nervous systems are actually affected in how well they can function. As a certified Webster Practitioner, Dr. Birchann specializes in working with moms and babies in these areas. 

Not only does her work lead to a more comfortable pregnancy, but it also helps position the pelvis better for a low-intervention birth. 

In terms of babies, the most common compliant clients come to her with is colic. With very gentle, low-force chiropractic adjustments, she’s’ able to help families overcome this experience. 

Q: How soon can you start working with babies and kids?

Dr. Birchann’s own baby got his first chiropractic adjustment just hours after birth! After being adjusted her whole pregnancy and having a low-intervention birth, she wanted to make sure that her baby was in the optimal positions for healthy and comfortable growth. 

She works a lot with parents who understand that the spine is the center of the nervous system – and for that to work the best it can, we need to ensure everything is aligned. Since kids’ bodies have not been through as much as some adults, we also want to intervene early to help their bodies “hold up” better throughout life to avoid common complaints she hears from adults. 

Q: How should we use chiropractic care in our everyday lives? 

One thing I noticed through talking with Birchann is that most people don’t seek out chiropractic care in their everyday lives. So I was curious to ask, when should we see a chiropractor? 

Dr. Birchann recommends that if you have not seen a chiropractor, go to one! This is a great way to see what’s going on with your body as part of a healthy self-care routine – the same way you see your doctors and dentists. 

Busting a common myth, Dr. Birchann notes that once you start going to a chiropractor, the saying that “you have to keep going” isn’t actually true! However, once you realize how good you feel after a visit to the chiropractor, you may find yourself wanting to come back more often for a “tune up.”

For babies, especially those born via cesarian, alignments help ensure that kids’ bodies are properly aligned for growth. For moms and pregnant people, she recommends chiropractic appointments every week during the last trimester – or if your baby is not in an optimal birthing position. 

Q: On your own birth journey, how did you use these practices you’re sharing with us today? 

Dr. Birchann recounts regularly attending chiropractic appointments throughout her whole life. So when it came to pregnancy, it just made sense to continue the habit that had become more of a lifestyle for her. 

Before, during, and after pregnancy, Birchann continued her regular chiropractic care. She notes that through the chiropractic care she received during the early days of her pregnancy, she became more inspired to learn about nutrition and how it could help her feel better in the first trimester. Now that she’s gone through it herself, this is something she loves helping other women with! 

Q: What does daring mean to you? 

To Dr. Birchann, daring means putting yourself out of your comfort zone. Moving past discomfort and really going for something that’s important is one of the most daring things we can do. 

Q: What are you most excited for right now in your business?

Dr. Birchann feels so lucky to love her work so much, and she’s excited to continue growing her business and working with more moms and babies! 

Q: How can someone get in touch with you?

Discover how to have an easier pregnancy and birth or ease your little one’s health concerns by making an appointment or reaching out to Dr. Birchann at her website here.

If you want to join Birchann and other amazing members in the Impact Tribe, we would love to welcome you! When you join the Impact Tribe, you get access to a library of brand-building courses, time-saving resources, an uplifting community of women entrepreneurs and so much more! Learn more and join us today at this link.


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