The 3 Most Important Pages on Your Coaching Business Website

The 3 Most Important Pages on Your Coaching Business Website

website secrets Nov 25, 2022

Are you trying to get your coaching website launched or revamped by the New Year, but feeling overwhelmed by such a big project?

I want to let you in on a little secret: you don't have to do it all at once!

In fact, there are only 3 pages you'll need to complete before hitting "publish".

And that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this blog post. But before we do, let’s get on the same page.

Having a website is important for any business, but especially for coaches and healers who are the face of their brand. Not only does it help your clients find you and learn about the services you offer, but it also allows them to get to know who you are, and how you can help them reach their goals – which are both essential in order for them to feel confident hiring you.

What Goes Into a Successful Website?

While there are many, many things that go into creating a successful website (like graphic design, layout, images, branding, navigation, SEO etc.), the words you use are arguably the most important part when it comes to inspiring your readers to take action. 

If feelings of overwhelm about where to start come up as you’re reading through the rest of this post, I want you to remember that copy comes before design (because the design is created around the copy).

And, to write clear copy that converts, you’ll need to be clear about your brand foundations, like what you do and who you serve, but also your brand personality, values, vision, mission, intolerances and point of view among others.

If you need support getting your copy and brand foundations ready before designing your website, we have courses and support for both inside our Impact Tribe membership.

Now, let’s move onto the most important pages for your coaching business website!

About Page

Your About Page is the most visited page on your website, aside from the homepage. This is the first place your readers and potential clients go to get to know you, see if they like you and align with you, and start to determine whether or not you can help them with the problem they’re trying to solve. For coaches, healers, and fempreneurs who are the face of their brand, this page is especially important because…

Your clients aren’t investing in your services or programs – what they’re investing in is a relationship with you.

As a brand strategist for over a decade, I’ve seen countless websites and have helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs design and write websites that convert viewers into clients for them. And by far, the biggest mistake I see made on About Pages is just simply slapping a bio on the page and calling it good. While your bio does communicate important information about who you are and what you do, your About Page needs to go much deeper than that. 

This is the place to lay your heart on the line – share your values, beliefs, mission, vision, motivations, and really let your personality shine through! On top of that, this is the place to connect with your ideal clients. Speak in terms of how you can help them, and maybe even share your story of how you’ve been where they are now. 

I could go on and on about the importance of your About Page, but I’ll leave you with the reminder that this one page can truly be what makes or breaks your business – so spend plenty of time getting it right. If you’re looking for more insight on writing your About Page, check out this blog post.

Program Page

If someone is interested in working with you, the next thing they’re going to check out is your program page. This is where your potential clients will discover what’s included in your program and the transformation you can help them achieve. For coaches, healers, and fempreneurs who are the face of their brand, this page is uniquely important because your potential clients are able to read how you talk about your program and see what past clients have to say – so they know what to expect when they decide to work with you.

To write a high-converting Program Page, there is a specific set of things that need to be included, in a specific order. However, one of the biggest mistakes I see made on Program Pages is not including social proof. Social proof not only shows that you have real experience in your work, but it also is more effective at inspiring your potential clients to take action. Rather than being positioned as a sales pitch, testimonials come across as more authentic and unbiased which resonates more with potential clients. 

Think about courses or programs you’ve purchased in the past… I’m guessing you are more likely to invest when the program has lots of great testimonials and social proof as opposed to none. The more you can include on your Program Page, the more inspired and motivated your ideal clients will be. For more information on how you can ask your clients for testimonials that will actually help you get results, check out this blog post.


Bonus – Services Page

While the Program Page goes in-depth into the programs and courses you offer, the Services Page functions like more of a menu or library, directing your audience to your various offers. 

If you have more than one program or course you are offering, the services page is essential in helping your readers decide which they want to learn more about on your Program Page. 

If you only have one offer, a services page is not essential – however, if you do have more than one offer, you are going to want a comprehensive services page directing your readers to the right program for them.

Home Page

The goal of your Homepage is to capture your reader’s attention and inspire them to click through to the other pages on your website that you want them to visit. Although this is just one part of your website, and one fragment of your brand’s communication system, you are going to want to make sure it clearly and concisely communicates who you are and the work you do, and inspires your ideal clients to stick around. 

There are countless other entrepreneurs online who offer similar services to you – however, none of them can offer the same experience that you can. As a coach, healer, or fempreneur who is the face of her brand, your homepage is especially important to immediately capture your reader’s attention and inspire them to stick around your website to learn more about you and the work you do. 

One of the biggest mistakes I see fempreneurs make on their homepage is not taking full advantage of the space “above the fold” – in other words, what is shown before the reader has to scroll. Instead of filling this space with a logo or banner image that doesn’t communicate much about who you are and what you do, make sure it includes a strong headline that addresses the problem you solve for your reader (or goal you help them achieve), as well as a lead magnet that will capture their contact details so you can nurture the relationship through your email list.

Check out this blog to see the things that every good Homepage includes. 

The real secret to converting readers to clients through your website, is putting the right copy in the right place. When you know exactly what to say and the most impactful places to say it, you can inspire almost any website visitor to hire you for your brilliance, or sign up for your programs and services.


Need to get your website copy written before January? You have a little over 1 month before your ideal clients will be visiting your website to discover how you can help them improve their lives in 2023, and if your website copy is confusing, overwhelming, or non-existent, you’ll miss out on sales!

Let me help you get your copy written in less time and with less overwhelm with my Website Copy Bundle, on sale now through Monday, 11/28.


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