Get off the roller coaster of not knowing where to focus or what to do to grow your audience, expand your impact, and build a brand people will rally behind!


The path to achieving a thriving business isn’t easy, but there are so many experts telling you it CAN be, if you only do exactly what they do! But you wouldn’t be here if their well-laid maps had led you to the destination of your dreams, right?


Here, in The Impact Tribe, you’ll learn a tried, true and timeless process designed for purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you to reach your next level — and tap into your authentic self to get there!


With courses, community, coaching, and resources you’ll have everything you need to build a business that embodies your purpose.

So you can reach your greatest potential, and your clients can reach theirs.

No compromising. No copying. No fads. Because your business works best when you are true to you.

“Okay, that’s great, but what’s true to me right now is that I need more clients!”


I hear you! There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing you can change people’s lives for the better and feeling like you’re the the world's best kept secret.

Getting the word out and finding the people who need you can feel like climbing uphill all.the.time.

The trouble is, the transformations you help to achieve aren’t easy to explain - your approach is outside the box, you’ve spent years learning tools and modalities that defy simple categorization, and your work is so personal that success looks a little different for everyone.

How do you fit all that into a 3-line Instagram bio?!

It’s complicated.

You know you need to put yourself out there to get clients.
And you’ve tried.

Maybe you’ve come across a sales funnel or online marketing expert who promised a “proven method” with easy plug-and-play templates, and you (logically) thought that’s exactly what you need.


That was me when I started out! And if you’re like I was, you’re ambitious, hungry and you go all in: recording webinars, drafting complex email funnels, learning the ins and outs of social media paid ads. Maybe you’ve tried:

  • Building an online community
  • Hosting live workshops
  • Creating an ‘irresistible’ lead magnet
  • Growing your following on Instagram
  • Promoting one-week challenges
  • Launching courses
  • Writing a book 

These are tactics and strategies many coaches, mentors and gurus swear by… but they didn’t seem to work the same way for you.

Paying clients still aren’t beating down your door.

It’s disheartening! After you’ve poured so much time, energy and money into learning all the strategies and tactics, and you’ve spent months trying to get the results those programs promised…

you start to wonder if the problem is you.


You have a gift the world needs.
You just skipped a step in building a business that allows your light to reach your people.

Your Brand Strategist and Impact Tribe guide. For over 10 years, I’ve guided women entrepreneurs across the globe to build standout brands they can market with ease. My mission is to empower service-based entrepreneurs to clearly communicate their value through beautiful visuals, authentic messaging and aligned offers that position them to attract next-level opportunities, clients and income.

And I’ve seen so many women entrepreneurs dive into marketing strategies and tactics without first getting absolutely clear about what value they offer and who needs it.

It never goes well.

I know, because early-on, I made those mistakes too.

If you’ve been chasing the next strategy and tactic and none of them are delivering the goods (happy PAYING clients!), then I know exactly what you’re missing.

BRANDING: The ability to communicate the real value you offer so your ideal clients are excited to work with you.

While services and programs might be what you sell, your brand is what sells you.


So your marketing works, no matter what social media platform is popular this year.

Your brand is more than a logo and color palette; it’s an expression of your value, values and purpose, and it requires a deep dive into who you are as a person and entrepreneur.


Your brand is your essence, and it is essential to creating a thriving business.


Once you are crystal clear on who you are, what you stand for and what value your business truly offers, the next steps become easy.

➤ Identifying your ideal client, what motivates them, what they deeply want. This leads to…

Messaging and visuals to make your value clear, followed by…

Crafting your offer - the nexus of your ideal clients’ needs and your unique gifts, and finally…

Marketing strategies based in authenticity and organic growth


In the Impact Tribe, you’ll learn the stages of branding (or rebranding) AND how to apply this to your offers, messaging, website and marketing.

Not only that, with our Brand Bundles, Canva Marketing Templates and monthly, fill-in-the-blank Content Calendar, you’ll be taking strategic ACTION every day to grow your business.

No other business program is this holistic.

Why The Impact Tribe is different from all the other programs you’ve tried

Other business programs cover only the foundations (but stop short at showing you how to get paying clients), or only teach marketing (which is ineffective without the foundations).

With the Impact Tribe, you’ll find a well-rounded, holistic approach to building a purpose-driven business that will meet you wherever you are with the support you need.

Why The Impact Tribe is different from all the other programs you’ve tried

Other business programs cover only the foundations (but stop short at showing you how to get paying clients), or only teach marketing (which is ineffective without the foundations).

With the Impact Tribe, you’ll find a well-rounded, holistic approach to building a purpose-driven business that will meet you wherever you are with the support you need.


1. COURSES to teach you the right steps, in the right order, to confidently increase your income and impact.

Boom Your Brand

Deep-dive into who you are and learn how to use your values, beliefs and point of view to create connection and trust with your audience. You’ll learn how to use the ‘shorthand’ of colors and archetypes to communicate the feeling of working with you, and you’ll develop a brand voice that is instantly recognizable and unmistakable.

Pointpoint Your Profitable Niche

Learn my Profitable Niche formula to get clear on your ideal client, test to see if that group can sustain you, and build an ideal client profile to help you deeply connect with your people through your website, social media, webinars and offers.

The Power Profile

An assessment and course based on Color Psychology to help you find the colors that reflect your authentic personality, amplify what makes you special and different from your competitors, and communicate your brand promise to your clients.

The Power of Programs

Build a premium signature program that is the key to generating $100K+ per year without a big list, or spending tons of money on marketing.

Cracking the Tagline Code

Write an unforgettable tagline for your service-based business in a 3-step process, with 15 tried-and-true tagline formulas. Think of it as the ‘cheat sheet’ for how to communicate your value with just a few words.

Master Your Marketing Message

Whether you need to introduce yourself on Facebook Lives and networking events, or need a quick writeup for being a guest on podcasts, this course will teach you how to concisely present what you do so your listeners know exactly why they want to work with you.

Building Your Brand Story

Create connection, inspiration and trust with your audience with a strong Brand Story — it’s a key ingredient your people need to confidently choose YOU as their guide.

The Effort-Less Editorial System

Ditch content confusion and overwhelm with this streamlined content creation system that will help you build the trust and connection your audience needs to move forward with you.

Offers 101: Choosing the Best Offers for Your Service-Based Business

Explore 6 of the most common types of offers, including the pros and cons of each, so you can build the right business model for your ideal lifestyle.

The Website Copy Bundle

Video walkthroughs for how to write compelling website copy that inspires clients to work with you on your Home, About and Sales pages. With easy-to-use templates, formulas and examples, you’ll spend less time writing copy and more time helping clients, making money, and growing your impact.


1. COURSES to teach you the right steps, in the right order, to confidently increase your income and impact.

Boom Your Brand

Deep-dive into who you are and learn how to use your values, beliefs and point of view to create connection and trust with your audience. You’ll learn how to use the ‘shorthand’ of colors, symbols and archetypes to communicate the feeling of working with you, and you’ll develop a brand voice that is instantly recognizable and unmistakable

Pointpoint Your Profitable Niche

Learn my Profitable Niche formula to get clear on your ideal client, test to see if that group can sustain you, and build an ideal client profile to help you deeply connect with your people through your website, social media, webinars and offers.

The Power Profile

An assessment and course based on Color Psychology to help you find the colors that reflect your authentic personality, amplify what makes you special and different from your competitors, and communicate your brand promise to your clients

The Power of Programs

Build a premium signature program that is the key to generating $100K+ per year without a big list, or spending tons of money on marketing

Cracking the Tagline Code

Write an unforgettable tagline for your service-based business in a 3-step process, with 15 tried-and-true tagline formulas. Think of it as the ‘cheat sheet’ for how to communicate a lot of value with just a few words.

Master Your Marketing Message

Whether you need to introduce yourself on Facebook Lives and networking events, or need a quick writeup for being a guest on podcasts, this course will teach you how to concisely present what you do so your listeners know exactly why they want to work with you.

Building Your Brand Story

Create connection, inspiration and trust with your audience with a strong Brand Story — it’s a key ingredient your people need to confidently choose YOU.

The Effort-Less Editorial System

Ditch content confusion and overwhelm with this streamlined content creation system that will help you build the trust and connection your audience needs to move forward with you.

Offers 101: Choosing the Best Offers for Your Service-Based Business

Explore 6 of the most common types of offers, including the pros and cons of each, so you can build the right business model for your ideal lifestyle.

The Website Copy Bundle

Video walkthroughs for how to write compelling website copy that inspires clients to work with you on your Home, About and Sales pages. With easy-to-use templates, formulas and examples, you’ll spend less time writing copy and more time helping clients, making money, and growing your impact.

2. COMMUNITY to learn with, learn from, and find support

Monthly Impact Circles

Bust through limitations, find solutions to your biggest challenges and walk away with empowered next steps, all with support and feedback from Jessie May and your fempreneur sisters.

 Meetings are 90-minutes and happen on Zoom at 1 pm Mountain Time, the first Monday of each month.

 Get coaching from Jessie May and focused feedback from the group on a business decision you're trying to make, a challenge you're facing or a project you're working on.

 Stay accountable to your goals. You'll commit to specific goals each month and report on your progress at the next meeting.

Access to our private Facebook group

With support at your fingertips inside our private Facebook group, you'll never feel alone as you navigate your fempreneur journey.

 Get your burning business questions answered directly from Jessie May.

 Post your challenges and victories for the group to respond to and celebrate.

 Share your upcoming events, programs and launches.


Laser coaching group calls

Join Jessie May for personalized coaching on your burning questions you need answered to move forward in your biz with confidence.

 These 60-min sessions happen at 1 pm Mountain Time, the third Friday of each month.

 If you can't make it, don't sweat it! Send in your questions in advance and catch the recording on your own time

4. CANVA BRAND BUNDLES to help you feel confident and proud of your business.


Receive access to our archetype-based Brand Bundle System including everything you need to easily create a beautiful, authentic and professional visual brand, based on your archetype.

Building Blocks

Customize your brand with our curated collection of archetype-specific color palettes, font sets, accent elements, background patterns and images.

Identity Assets

Create your own beautiful brand identity with our mood board, brand board and brand book templates, plus choose from 10 gorgeous logo sets to make your own.

Building Blocks 

Customize your brand with our curated collection of archetype-specific color palettes, font sets, accent elements, background patterns and images.

Identity Assets

Create your own beautiful brand identity with our mood board, brand board and brand book templates, plus choose from 10 gorgeous logo sets to make your own.

Collateral Templates

Confidently market your offers using our easily editable collateral templates. These include social media banners and graphics, business cards, brochures, lead magnets and course workbooks.


Connect authentically with your audience consistently, without the overwhelm. This tool is designed to save you time with caption templates to inspire you and a schedule to keep you on track.



including a professional bio template, new client agreement, discovery session application form, signature talk outline, nurture sequence email examples — saving you hours on your business.


from branding to marketing - just search for what you need in the Impact Tribe members’ area and you’ll find a bite-sized 15-30 minute training

"From my first encounter with the Impact Tribe, I immediately felt like I’d found my sisterhood.

There are members I love having tea with and talking about how complicated and rewarding being a woman entrepreneur can be. There are also women from the group I've hired to help me grow... and others who’ve hired me to help them grow!

Jessie May is masterful at creating a supportive and expansive environment at our meetings—the way she deeply listens and can pinpoint your need, sometimes, without you even saying it, is a true gift.

She was able to take what we couldn't even talk about before working with her and turn it into gold. It feels so good to have everything we need, everything so professional and pretty, and everything that are sign posts for our people.

It’s no coincidence that we are having our best year yet in our business after working with her. She has lifted us up to where we can have a greater effect with the work we do."

Vanessa Tavernetti,
Life Purpose Guide, Co-Founder of Earth Magic Academy

"I started in this group not knowing how to run a business. I was simply following my heart.

Even though I was nervous, I took every opportunity to take the Clarity Chair at our monthly Impact Circles and received honest feedback and immense wisdom in return, which helped me get on the right track. 

From the newbie businesswoman pinning flyers to bulletin boards and Jessie May kindly telling me to stop, to now being able to celebrate having just launched and FILLED my year-long VIP program at my highest price point ever, I’ve come so far. I had tears of joy as I shared this with my Impact Tribe sisters because they helped me every step of the way.

Thank you, sisters, for being my mentors and now becoming some of my best friends on the planet! I love you each with ALL my heart and soul! I cannot be more grateful to have you on this journey with me! We rise together!"

Stephanie Schoolmeester,
Soul Alignment Specialist

"Branding is not my strength but thankfully it is Jessie May’s! Jessie May is a wealth of knowledge. She is a beautiful human being with a gentle spirit AND she is a dynamic powerhouse!

Initially, I joined the Impact Tribe for the branding resources and online courses. I have found the course content to be strategic in delivery and professionally presented. If you are looking to rebrand your business and are committed to the systems, you will end up with a professional brand that you are proud of!

I am so happy I joined the Impact Tribe because now I have a professional community of women that I am now pleased to call my friends!"

Dr. Mary Sanders,
Medical Intuitive and Chiropractor

Before you join, I want to make sure this is a perfect fit for you.

You'll love the Impact Tribe if …

  • You have a service-based business where you're the face of your brand. For example, you might be a coach, consultant, healer, therapist, etc.
  • You struggle to clearly communicate your copious methods and tools in a way that gets potential clients as excited about your work as you are. 
  • You feel overwhelmed by branding and marketing and want a simple and effective way to present yourself online, beautifully, clearly and professionally.  
  • You have an open mind and loving heart - you're ready to uplift and be uplifted by a welcoming community of diverse women entrepreneurs.
  • You're open to honest feedback that will help you grow because you're eager to fill your programs, attract more clients and make more money doing what you love!  

On the other hand, this may not be a good fit if ...

  • You have a product-based business. For example, you sell jewelry or you own a clothing store. The Impact Tribe is designed for service-based business owners who sell their knowledge through coaching and courses.
  • You are catty or competitive with other women. In the Impact Tribe, we believe there's room for all of us to succeed.
  • You are more committed to hiding and playing safe than taking inspired (and sometimes scary) action to help you grow. 
  • You expect overnight results. Building an impactful, sustainable brand is a long-term commitment of time, energy and money. We'll give you the resources, training and coaching you need to get there faster, but this isn't a magic pill or a get-rich-quick scheme.

It’s time to align all of what you do and who you are into a powerful brand that gives you the confidence and clarity to go ALL THE WAY in your business.





Monthly Zoom Impact Circles

Course Library

Monthly Laser Coaching Sessions

Build-Your-Own Brand Bundles

Monthly Marketing Calendar

Access to Private Facebook Group

Resource Vault

Private Coaching Discount

Cancel anytime


✔︎ Complimentary, 40-min Clarity Kickoff Call with Jessie May

✔︎ Two months free!





Monthly Zoom Impact Circles

Course Library

Monthly Laser Coaching Sessions

Build-Your-Own Brand Bundles

Monthly Marketing Calendar

Access to Private Facebook Group

Resource Vault

Private Coaching Discount

One Year Commitment 


✔︎ Complimentary, 40-min Clarity Kickoff Call with Jessie May

✔︎ Two months free!


"With the Impact Tribe courses, I was able to build my own beautiful website, get guidance on how to give a signature talk, and receive feedback on the best step to move my business forward.

I’ve had a couple one and one calls with Jessie May who is supportive, encouraging, and knowledgeable. I feel like I have someone who is truly on my side and wants to see me succeed. As a new business owner, this is priceless!

Also, I was able to meet incredibly successful, kind women who have been supportive and helpful. They take time to offer encouragement, introduce me to others who can benefit from my service and give valuable, real time feedback.

This tribe has been instrumental in helping me not feel isolated as a new entrepreneur. It's an incredible community with an outstanding, passionate, kind organizer leading the way. This is the best investment I’ve made for my business!"

Dr. Jelina Shah,
Holistic Diabetes Health Coach and Clinical Pharmacist

"The level of training Jessie May provides is unparalleled to anything I've experienced before.

I’m very much in the strategy phase of my business and had been using the overwhelm and not knowing what/how to do things as a huge excuse not to move forward for a very long time.

Yes, I could figure it all out on my own - eventually, but to be provided tangible steps so I can move forward correctly is invaluable to me right now.

Beyond the personal friendships I've formed in The Impact Tribe, I was amazed at how the members went out of their way this year to support me during a launch. I've also enjoyed connecting with members outside our scheduled Impact Tribe meetings to help each other advance in our businesses.

Jessie May has attracted an extraordinary high-vibe, empowered group of business leaders. Not only is each member dedicated to her craft, she is also deeply committed and connected to her family and community."

Karen Gruber,
Prosperity and Leadership Coach

"I honestly don't even know where to start with the Impact Tribe. It's been such a blessing in my business and my life.

The women Jessie May attracts to the group are so warm and supportive. Our meetings truly feel like a gathering of sisters who are all there to support and help each other as we build our businesses.

There's not one iota of competition, cattiness, jealousy, or "holding out" on knowledge or experience. Everyone gives freely and gives from the heart.

I also continue to be amazed at the value Jessie May provides for such a small monthly price. I don't know how she does it, but I'm grateful for it! I will be a member of the Impact Tribe for a very, very long time."

Terra Ramachandran,
Life Coach at SoulfireShift

Frequently Asked Questions

"Before working with Jessie May, I had an old and outdated brand that no longer reflected who I was. I was ready to take my business to the next level, and I knew that branding was the first step to having the online presence I so desired.

With suggestions and support from Jessie May, I walked away with a whole new brand that is DYNAMITE! Now I feel so confident putting myself out there online, and it shows!

My sales have exploded since I've rebranded and I'm so grateful that I began this journey. 

One of my favorite parts of being in the Impact Tribe is the sheer number of powerful women I get to surround myself with.

The connections I've made in the Impact Tribe have helped me grow through referrals, speaking gigs and fellow members choosing to work with me. I've already gotten a return on my investment and I know there's more to come."

Katie Collins,
Business Coach for Strategy & Sales

"As a Transformational Psychologist and Coach for relationship trauma and related addictions, my work is deep and transformative. 

I use many tools to help my clients achieve results, but I was having trouble explaining these tools in a way that communicated their value to potential clients. 

Jessie May not only helped me find the words to clearly communicate my value and my offers, but she also helped me create a brand that gives me great pleasure to look at and that I feel excited to share with potential clients. 

What really tied things together is my Brand Book, which makes it so easy for my VA to create uniform-looking marketing materials and social media posts!"

Dr. Eva A. Malanowski, Psy.D.
M.S.Transformational Psychologist & Coach

"Very recently, I’ve been approached by a couple of people about being a guest on their podcasts. At each of our initial meetings, they mentioned how much they love the energy from the branding on my website and they knew I would bring a bright and positive outlook to their readers.  

I must admit - this is all because of you! I never even knew about branding before working with you. I can’t imagine what kind of message my website and social channels would convey without your help. 

I thought that could be a good lesson for anyone out there who doesn’t think branding is worth it. I’ve booked clients and podcast shows based on the energy from my brand."

Allison Rissel,
CEO of Allison Rissel Training

"Prior to working with Jessie May, I struggled to convey my message in a way that “landed” with the person I was talking to.

This left me feeling very frustrated – while I was certain of how much I could help someone, the way I was communicating fell short. It was so disappointing to see someone walk away, knowing that I could make a such big difference in their life, but unable to actually do so because my message wasn't clear.

Jessie May helped me develop very targeted strategies for creating a seamless platform upon which to build my business, including cohesive messaging and branding across my newly created program, in presentations, for my newsletter and at networking events, just to name a few.

It feels amazing to have a successful approach now, and I feel like I have learned important tools to continue building in any direction I choose!"

Dr. Karen Hufnagl, DC, MS,
Owner at In Avanti Health

"When I found Jessie May, I was having trouble zoning in on how to start branding myself due to my thankfully extreme explosive flow of creative energy. I have so many ideas being downloaded all the time that putting them into a meaningful purpose and plan of action was difficult. 

Saying YES to working with Jessie May has expanded into every area of my life.

I’ve seen my voice get stronger, my focus get clearer and my willingness to go for it no matter what get bigger. And now my message about who I am and what I have to offer has direction and consistency which was missing before.

I’m grateful for Jessie May’s honesty, knowledge, fun energy and kindness as she led the way, helping me reinvigorate my brand with clarity."

Brookelin Gottlieb,
Founder of Breathe with Brookelin

"Jessie May helped me differentiate myself from all the other coaches by guiding me to clarify a business that’s truly, uniquely ME!

From my ideal client and niche, to my marketing message, mission, brand personality and colors, Jessie May helped me create a brand that not only aligns perfectly with me, but that other people actually “get”.

I’m excited to announce that clients are steadily rolling in.

Jessie May is the real deal; her smile lights up the room and hearts of her clients and community. I can definitely say I’m a fan and blessed to have worked with her."

Tiffany Lanier,
Founder of The Morning Shift Co.

"Before my work with Jessie May, I felt lucky to have a job I loved, but overwhelmed by all the demands of being a solopreneur. I knew I wasn't communicating clearly to reach my favorite people, but I hoped my work would speak for itself. It wasn’t.

Now, after working with Jessie May, I am *on fire* to share my unique set of talents and perspectives with the world! I have a concrete strategy for communication/outreach, and new skills to implement that strategy.

Jessie May helped me connect what I do with who I am and she has beautiful insights about how to honor your most cherished values in your business.

If you've been feeling a little lackluster about your life and business, go get a dose of sparkle with Jessie May. She is so much more than just a brand strategist!"

Katherine Campbell, LAc,
Owner at Mending with Gold Acupuncture

"My mission in life is to empower women to transform their health and get their life back, but I was so embarrassed about my brand that I would avoid sending people to my website or putting myself in the public eye.

Jessie May to the rescue!

After going through her branding process, I am constantly complimented on my brand, which has led to increased sales, income and increased financial freedom. 

Now I have a level of confidence that I’ve never had before. This confidence exudes and ripples out into my personal and professional life in delightful and empowering ways.

I am writing a book, creating a Lyme disease comedy, and stepping out as a guest speaker and onto Lyme tele-summits as an expert in my field, none of which I felt confident about before working with Jessie May."

Leila Sun,
Transformational Life & Lyme Coach

"I needed a new brand that reflected the premium services that I offer, but I felt lost and overwhelmed at the task ahead. 

With her grounded guidance, Jessie May walked me through every step. From creating my brand visuals and voice and even helping me write my website copy, her knowledge, skills and ability to guide me through the process was second to none.  

I wanted a luxury brand and I get comments all the time saying it’s “next level.”

Anjani Amriit,
Soul Purpose Mentor

"Before working with Jessie May, I had an old and outdated brand that no longer reflected who I was. I was ready to take my business to the next level, and I knew that branding was the first step to having the online presence I so desired.

With suggestions and support from Jessie May, I walked away with a whole new brand that is DYNAMITE! Now I feel so confident putting myself out there online, and it shows!

My sales have exploded since I've rebranded and I'm so grateful that I began this journey. 

One of my favorite parts of being in the Impact Tribe is the sheer number of powerful women I get to surround myself with.

The connections I've made in the Impact Tribe have helped me grow through referrals, speaking gigs and fellow members choosing to work with me. I've already gotten a return on my investment and I know there's more to come."

Katie Collins,
Business Coach for Strategy & Sales

"As a Transformational Psychologist and Coach for relationship trauma and related addictions, my work is deep and transformative. 

I use many tools to help my clients achieve results, but I was having trouble explaining these tools in a way that communicated their value to potential clients. 

Jessie May not only helped me find the words to clearly communicate my value and my offers, but she also helped me create a brand that gives me great pleasure to look at and that I feel excited to share with potential clients. 

What really tied things together is my Brand Book, which makes it so easy for my VA to create uniform-looking marketing materials and social media posts!"

Dr. Eva A. Malanowski, Psy.D.
M.S.Transformational Psychologist & Coach

"Very recently, I’ve been approached by a couple of people about being a guest on their podcasts. At each of our initial meetings, they mentioned how much they love the energy from the branding on my website and they knew I would bring a bright and positive outlook to their readers.  

I must admit - this is all because of you! I never even knew about branding before working with you. I can’t imagine what kind of message my website and social channels would convey without your help. 

I thought that could be a good lesson for anyone out there who doesn’t think branding is worth it. I’ve booked clients and podcast shows based on the energy from my brand."

Allison Rissel,
CEO of Allison Rissel Training

"Prior to working with Jessie May, I struggled to convey my message in a way that “landed” with the person I was talking to.

This left me feeling very frustrated – while I was certain of how much I could help someone, the way I was communicating fell short. It was so disappointing to see someone walk away, knowing that I could make a such big difference in their life, but unable to actually do so because my message wasn't clear.

Jessie May helped me develop very targeted strategies for creating a seamless platform upon which to build my business, including cohesive messaging and branding across my newly created program, in presentations, for my newsletter and at networking events, just to name a few.

It feels amazing to have a successful approach now, and I feel like I have learned important tools to continue building in any direction I choose!"

Dr. Karen Hufnagl, DC, MS,
Owner at In Avanti Health

"When I found Jessie May, I was having trouble zoning in on how to start branding myself due to my thankfully extreme explosive flow of creative energy. I have so many ideas being downloaded all the time that putting them into a meaningful purpose and plan of action was difficult. 

Saying YES to working with Jessie May has expanded into every area of my life.

I’ve seen my voice get stronger, my focus get clearer and my willingness to go for it no matter what get bigger. And now my message about who I am and what I have to offer has direction and consistency which was missing before.

I’m grateful for Jessie May’s honesty, knowledge, fun energy and kindness as she led the way, helping me reinvigorate my brand with clarity."

Brookelin Gottlieb,
Founder of Breathe with Brookelin

"Jessie May helped me differentiate myself from all the other coaches by guiding me to clarify a business that’s truly, uniquely ME!

From my ideal client and niche, to my marketing message, mission, brand personality and colors, Jessie May helped me create a brand that not only aligns perfectly with me, but that other people actually “get”.

I’m excited to announce that clients are steadily rolling in.

Jessie May is the real deal; her smile lights up the room and hearts of her clients and community. I can definitely say I’m a fan and blessed to have worked with her."

Tiffany Lanier,
Founder of The Morning Shift Co.

"Before my work with Jessie May, I felt lucky to have a job I loved, but overwhelmed by all the demands of being a solopreneur. I knew I wasn't communicating clearly to reach my favorite people, but I hoped my work would speak for itself. It wasn’t.

Now, after working with Jessie May, I am *on fire* to share my unique set of talents and perspectives with the world! I have a concrete strategy for communication/outreach, and new skills to implement that strategy.

Jessie May helped me connect what I do with who I am and she has beautiful insights about how to honor your most cherished values in your business.

If you've been feeling a little lackluster about your life and business, go get a dose of sparkle with Jessie May. She is so much more than just a brand strategist!"

Katherine Campbell, LAc,
Owner at Mending with Gold Acupuncture

"My mission in life is to empower women to transform their health and get their life back, but I was so embarrassed about my brand that I would avoid sending people to my website or putting myself in the public eye.

Jessie May to the rescue!

After going through her branding process, I am constantly complimented on my brand, which has led to increased sales, income and increased financial freedom. 

Now I have a level of confidence that I’ve never had before. This confidence exudes and ripples out into my personal and professional life in delightful and empowering ways.

I am writing a book, creating a Lyme disease comedy, and stepping out as a guest speaker and onto Lyme tele-summits as an expert in my field, none of which I felt confident about before working with Jessie May."

Leila Sun,
Transformational Life & Lyme Coach

"I needed a new brand that reflected the premium services that I offer, but I felt lost and overwhelmed at the task ahead. 

With her grounded guidance, Jessie May walked me through every step. From creating my brand visuals and voice and even helping me write my website copy, her knowledge, skills and ability to guide me through the process was second to none.  

I wanted a luxury brand and I get comments all the time saying it’s “next level.”

Anjani Amriit,
Soul Purpose Mentor

Ready to step up your business game so you can grow your following, attract more clients and make a bigger impact through your biz...

And you want a genuine, daring and inviting circle of successful fempreneurs to inspire, motivate and challenge you on the journey...

Then, you've found the perfect place to call home!





Monthly Zoom Impact Circles

Course Library

Monthly Laser Coaching Sessions

Build-Your-Own Brand Bundles

Monthly Marketing Calendar

Access to Private Facebook Group

Resource Vault

Private Coaching Discount

Cancel anytime


✔︎ Complimentary, 40-min Clarity Kickoff Call with Jessie May

✔︎ Two months free!





Monthly Zoom Impact Circles

Course Library

Monthly Laser Coaching Sessions

Build-Your-Own Brand Bundles

Monthly Marketing Calendar

Access to Private Facebook Group

Resource Vault

Private Coaching Discount

One Year Commitment 


✔︎ Complimentary, 40-min Clarity Kickoff Call with Jessie May

✔︎ Two months free!


"I've been a successful acupuncturist and teacher for almost 40 years, but I didn't foresee that the transition to becoming a holistic business coach and entrepreneur would be so challenging.

As women, we're wired for needing circles of support, and the Impact Tribe has provided me with a full range of opportunities to learn, grow, and attain visibility as well as client referrals.

My financial investment has been returned more than ten fold.

But more than that, the camaraderie, loving-kindness, and Jessie May's leadership for raising the bar personally and professionally have been so inspiring!

If you join, you will not be disappointed."

Johanna Alper,
Holistic Business Coach

"Not only have I gained dear friends, sisterly connections and sage business advice, but also multiple clients from this group. Getting to share about my business in the Dare to Connect event is a huge bonus as I receive inquiries often from women who are interested in what I offer. The return on investment is powerful in so many ways.

Jessie May is amazing with the content she teaches and it truly helps business owners focus on their messaging, branding and connection to their client base. I’ve been a witness to so much growth within others' businesses and my own throughout the two years I’ve been a member.

Of all the women’s groups I've been a part of, this is hands down the most nourishing and beneficial! Highly recommended!"

Jennifer MacNiven,
International Branding Photographer

"Before working with Jessie May, I was so focused on trying to make money that I made my business one-size-fits-all, which prevented me from reaching my ideal audience. 

Using the skills she taught me about how to get clear on my process, my ideal client and my brand identity, I was able to position myself as an expert in my field and grow my business internationally.

I'm now the founder and host of an International Virtual Summit Series and I'm frequently contacted to write guest articles and be interviewed as an expert in my field.

She also taught me ways to automate key areas of my business so I am not constantly chasing the next post, newsletter or launch date. I've used the techniques Jessie May taught me to ensure that my brand is constant, offers high value content and runs without my daily contact."

Heather Debreceni,
Divorce Coach

"Being an introvert and someone who is naturally shy, networking events and sales were always a challenge for me. My work with Jessie May gave me the confidence I needed to move my business to the next level.

She taught me strategies for how to use my body language and voice to be more confident and present with people at networking events. She also taught me how to listen and speak more strategically during sales meetings.

My coaching with Jessie May has already paid off. I receive more referrals and bookings now than ever before and I can confidently recommend Jessie May to any business owner who wants to increase her confidence so she can own her own lucrative business." 

Casey Muller,
Owner at Pink Diamond Events


"Being a member of the Impact Tribe helps my business in so many ways… and it’s fun to be part of such an empowering, like-minded community.

The Impact Tribe coaching calls and course content helped me to fine-tune my business and my message… as a result, I’ve saved countless hours and attracted new (higher paying) clients!

Jessie May has thought of everything. The tools and strategies she teaches are thorough, easy to follow and effective. The members are supportive and welcoming."

Kristen Cain,
Style + Mindset Coach


"The women in the Impact Tribe are authentic, inspiring and collaborative.

Jessie May is not only an excellent leader, but a wealth of knowledge and resources. Her courses have helped me clarify and grow my brand and I've gained so much from her individual coaching.

I look forward to this group every month and always leave having learned something new and feeling inspired!"

Kristin Lavelle,
Financial Consultant

"After being in business for over 25 years, I worked with Jessie May to refresh my very “worn-out” brand, messaging and website copy.

Jessie May suggests and sees things that I never have thought of and through working with her I have a much more focused and meaningful sense of the work I want to do going forward." 

Gruffie Clough,
Clough & Associates

"Getting to know the women in this intimate circle was so nourishing and inspiring.

Our masterminds were one of my favorite monthly gatherings. That's where we dropped beneath the surface and really shared what was going on. This group is the antidote to the isolation that can come with entrepreneurial life."

Megan Walrod,
Heart-Based Copywriting and Marketing Coach

"Clarity Chair time during our monthly Impact Circles has been extremely helpful to me in getting through hurdles in my business.

After my last Clarity Chair I got such great constructive feedback from the women in the group… it made me feel so seen and supported. This level of attention and caring has done wonders to help me confidently take new risks in my business this year."

Frances Charteris,
Artist and Tour Guide

"The Impact Circles are intimate gatherings where you get input from several different perspectives that you might have never gotten before. I know I can trust these ladies to have my best interests in mind.

I recommend the Impact Tribe for other women business owners who want to step up their game, have accountability partners who will follow through and for those looking to be part of a cohesive group of change makers."

Dr. Jenn Drake,
Holistic Chiropractor

"Jessie May and the Impact Impact Tribe are a complete gift! Every month I gain new insights for my business.

Highly recommended for any solopreneur looking for an abundance of very clear and well-thought out courses, incredible support, and her own business results!"

Author & Speaker

"The women in the Impact Tribe are authentic, inspiring and collaborative.

Jessie May is not only an excellent leader, but a wealth of knowledge and resources. Her courses have helped me clarify and grow my brand and I've gained so much from her individual coaching.

I look forward to this group every month and always leave having learned something new and feeling inspired!"

Kristin Lavelle,
Financial Consultant

"After being in business for over 25 years, I worked with Jessie May to refresh my very “worn-out” brand, messaging and website copy.

Jessie May suggests and sees things that I never have thought of and through working with her I have a much more focused and meaningful sense of the work I want to do going forward." 

Gruffie Clough,
Clough & Associates

"Getting to know the women in this intimate circle was so nourishing and inspiring.

Our masterminds were one of my favorite monthly gatherings. That's where we dropped beneath the surface and really shared what was going on. This group is the antidote to the isolation that can come with entrepreneurial life."

Megan Walrod,
Heart-Based Copywriting and Marketing Coach

"Clarity Chair time during our monthly Impact Circles has been extremely helpful to me in getting through hurdles in my business.

After my last Clarity Chair I got such great constructive feedback from the women in the group… it made me feel so seen and supported. This level of attention and caring has done wonders to help me confidently take new risks in my business this year."

Frances Charteris,
Art Historian and Tour Guide

"The Impact Circles are intimate gatherings where you get input from several different perspectives that you might have never gotten before. I know I can trust these ladies to have my best interests in mind.

I recommend the Impact Tribe for other women business owners who want to step up their game, have accountability partners who will follow through and for those looking to be part of a cohesive group of change makers."

Dr. Jenn Drake,
Holistic Chiropractor

"Jessie May and the Impact Impact Tribe are a complete gift! Every month I gain new insights for my business.

Highly recommended for any solopreneur looking for an abundance of very clear and well-thought out courses, incredible support, and her own business results!"

Author & Speaker

Copyright © 2022 The Daring Fempreneur.